1. Big part:

         Helping Mau, MC finds out the pet, Ham, which appears to be a small dragon... As he prepared to battle Ham (to capture it), in a flash of light...

         Somewhere in the Space Train, MC is seeing (dreaming about?) a little girl drawing... Weirdly enough, this little girl reminds him of Hatsumi...

         MC wakes up in the Library and, together with Ken and Kogechibi, takes the train to another section of the Library. During their journey, they meet with the soulless figure (which are how "normal" human beings exist in the "true" world of the Library) that somehow MC feels familiar... Upon touching her...

         MC wakes up in his town, the "normal" world in which he first remember coming from (and living with Hatsumi as his sister). Weirdly enough, his memory is back to that moment, when he ran away after the quarrel with his sister. "I have to go and apologize" is his only thought.
         Even weirder is that "he" has a female body but doesn't seem to care (while he was shouting he was a _guy_ when incarnated in Enya!). He reconciles with Hatsumi and goes about living his normal life... except his cats won't recognize him and be aggressive to him. Of course, he doesn't understand why... And when he was fighting them (for eating his cake), he strikes a bird plushie (Ken, of course) which... talks.
         Talks? What...?
         Then, in a flash of light...

         Somewhere... He is somewhere... (Arcadia in fact)
         Weird. Wasn't he with Hatsumi just a moment ago, and...
         Wait! Why has he a female body (still the same, but now he realizes...)? Oh, surely he was still in a dream...
         Then Ken and Kogechibi would come, making him realize he wasn't in a book's world (Kogechibi isn't supposed to be able to enter them), and yet, he isn't in his "hat" form... Ken just has the time to tell time this world wasn't like the others, when he disappears suddenly.
         With Kogechibi, MC then decides to explore the city and foremost, the Palace at the top. There, he meets with the trolls who are glad to at least find "her". He battles them, but as he was winning...
         Gargantua appears with Selene! Recognizing her "aura", Gargantua then uses his power to "restore" Kogechibi into... Hatsumi!, or at least someone with her appearance, someone that Gargantua calls "Jill"... But this Jill seems to be only a soulless doll, and turns soon back into Kogechibi. Gargantua then admits it wasn't truly Jill, but is in truth a fragment of Eve (he doesn't say who "Jill" is though...). He then proceeds to take her... when MC tries to act.
         Selene recognizes MC then (due to his sword, which is always with him in a form or another, in all the book words) and talks about her encounters with him, giving to Gargantua enough information to understand MC's true nature: a Hunter, who can incarnates in book worlds by taking over empty hosts, and was protecting the Eve's fragments.
         Because, MC can be dangerous to him and since he can't kill Hunters, Gargantua decides to lock it into a book world with no escape.

         Later, in his Palace, Gargantua is turning Kogechibi into Jill and trying to have her react to his presence. But she stays idling watching nowhere, just like a soulless doll...
         Selene joins him and persuades him that now that he has one of Eve's splinters, he doesn't need to hand it to Yami. But he's afraid of her powers, which relies mostly in her controlling Joe Harry (the Big Hat), Mother of all Hunters, very powerful creature giving the power to control all the Hunters and to journey through the book worlds at will.

         Meanwhile, Ken is back in Arcadia and meets the mysterious woman who was journeying with the two kids.

         Yami arrives at Arcadia, very happy to have found at last Eve.
         She meets Gargantua (and it is revealed she is in truth Lilith) and asks to meet Eve... Using a special perfume, Gargantua makes Joe Harry become mad and attack Lilith. He then takes over Joe Harry (and the title of "Yami") then, upon the advice of Selene, locks Lilith (because she can't be killed) in a dungeon inside the Palace she (Lilith) built long ago.

         Meanwhile, the three trolls decided to go and see Lilith, since she's now only "a little inoffensive girl" to possibly take from her parts of the powers she was supposed to have.

         Meanwhile, in the prison, Selene is taunting Lilith, accusing her of having left her in "this" book. But Lilith doesn't seem to recognize her (nor know who Gargantua is anyway; she just pretends in fact)...
         Selene gone, the soulless body of Hazuki meets with Lilith, wanting apparently to help her escape. Lilith at first refused, arguing that Joe Harry is using its owner's life energy to survive and that no human being can last long this way. So, she only had to way a century or two before Gargantua died and Joe Harry returns to her... But Hazuki tells her she had someone to help now, so Lilith accepts. She then possessed Hazuki and, before they tried anything, the trolls arrived. They then tricked the trolls into opening the prison cell. Alas, the "prison cell" was in fact where the Mirror of Souls, which is a gateway for souls to journey into the books from Arcadia. To open the cell, that mirror was broken, and in the process Lilith's soul and powers is shattered and spread in the books, leaving only a diminutive herself... okay two diminutive herselves.
         They then decided to free the others...

         In Hatsumi's world, Lilith finds Hatsumi, Hazuki's true self and Ken, prisonners in an eternal time loop and frees Ken.
         From a world with nothing but a foodcart, where MC is eating (forever) wondering what's he doing here, they free MC. A note: this world's book was protected by Ham...
         Then, Ken explains to him that Hatsumi is nothing but a part of Eve, the Universal Energy behind each living being... and Lilith's little sister. And that initially Yami was... He is interrupted by Lilith who tells him MC doesn't need more details... She leaves him tell at least to MC that Yami is supposed to journey inside the books to straighten things, which would usually imply opposing the gods there, reason why Yami was marked as the "Evil" by most gods.
         Putting MC on (thus disguising as a Hunter), they entered the Inner Palace, where Gargantua (and all the Hunters) is, trying to "wake" Jill up, and arrived in the main, let's say, teleport device (without Joe Harry and without being in the Library, they can't enter a book) and then...

         ...arrived in the Space Train which leads them to the Library.
         There, they meet the Ritsuko clone looking for direction, and helps her, after she proposed to give them one of Eve's fragment to thank them... Weirdly enough, she says she's looking for Lilith!, though the diminutive Lilith doesn't remember her...
         Then, in the worlds they go...

         In Ritsuko's world, they learnt Ritsuko once used the power of an Eve's fragment to heal Princess Marielle, and since then demons are being sent by Gargantua to capture her. They then locked the demons inside of a magical book. They also learn from Ritsuko that her and Gargantua were childhood friends. Everyday, they used to go to the Church, where a young girl was elping people, performing miracle... This girl was... Jill, Eve's fragment in this world. And apparently, Gargantua was infatuated with her. One day, Jill was found bathing in her own blood and... But Ritsuko doesn't continue her story, as she suddenly feels her Princess was crying.
         It appears Marielle was trying to perform magic while the others were away... with weird effect (she now has cat ears and tail :)). Anyway, they succeeded into curing Marielle and getting Lilith's fragment in this world... but not the end of Ritsuko's story.

         While they are in Yohko's world, in Arcadia, Selene informs Gargantua than they escaped... Gargantua then sends the Hunters after them...
         As he went away, the Ritsuko's clone arrives and recognizes Eve, calling by all her names in the book worlds.

         In the Fujihime world, they bring rain again (the reason was because the mountain's god was happily in love with Fujihime; but rain was his tears; or, since he doesn't cry for months... ^^;;;). Also, MC stumbles on a love symbol (you know, the "love umbrella") with the names of Lilith and Yami Maya and wonders who this Yami Maya is...

         In Arcadia, Gargantua is dreaming... He doesn't who he is, only that he is in a Church of sort... A small boy is shouting, accusing "her" of having betrayed him... A noise of some glass breaking. The boy is now crying and flees away, crying the name of "Jill"... Blood... A woman is bathing in her blood... Gargantua realized it's Jill, his Jill. A small girl comes and sees Jill in her blood. She wonders what happened...
         "It's not me" is shouting the dreaming Gargantua, "it's not me, Ritsu..."
         Gargantua wakes up, screaming... screaming the boy wasn't him...

         In the space world, MC-tachi battles Ham, which was turned into a full-fledge dragon because of one of Lilith's magic fumble. For that, they are helped by Mizukumei, which is Tamamo no mae true self (she's a kitsune controling Tamamo no mae who is truly just a puppet/host body). BTW, she also seems to know Meiling (mething she's Meiling in the future, when she becomes old and wise enough to be nine-tailed...)

         In Milka's world, they prevent the Selene from back then to take control of Milka (through her dreams) until Milka's brother arrives to take back his sister.

         As they're back in the Library, they found Black Selene waiting for them, with the Hunters. As they quarrel, Selene inadvertadly damages some books, forcing the Hunters to attack her (since their first duty is to protect the books).

         Back in Ritsuko's world, this time they cure Marielle from having Eve's energy inside her, turning her back into a normal human being.

         Back in Fujihime's world, they get the final part of Lilith: her divine part. Now, all they have to do is to fuse all the different parts of Lilith... For this, they went back to Arcadia, where they meet the Ritsuko's clone, who had taken back Kogechibi! We learnt her name is Tomomi, BTW.
         We learn Selene is truly Lilith's "daughter", or rather a "doll" Lilith once made and gave life to (in a try to do as Eve did). Then, she just left her wandering in the book worlds. The reason why she was hating Lilith.
         But Lilith was seeing that in a different way: she was rather considering she left Selene free to wander and do as she pleased, instead of tying her to her...
         Anyway, both reconcile (in a way; let's say Selene agrees to drop her hate for Lilith :))

         Because Lilith still had stuff to do, they stay a bit in her house in Arcadia (in a world she created for herself) and stumble on another figure, one of Yami Maya. But this one, Lilith never succeeded into making it move. Suddenly, she has an idea! Sending Selene and Kogechibi outside looking for Ken (thrown away for having irritated Lilith), she asks MC to possess the Yami Maya figure.
         MC does so... A (memory?) picture of him as Yami Maya (in truth Adam) teaching Lilith and Eve suddenly comes to his mind... Lilith's idea was to control MC to possess the Yami Maya figure and play "husband and wife" with him. But it succeeds beyond her hope as MC/Yami Maya acts of her control and truly as Yami Maya, with his memory and all. Perhaps was he a fragment of Adam? Even after that, they aren't sure though...

         Oh well... After being disturbed (while in bed :)) by the others who returned, they decided to go on with the plan.
         So, they went to the palace and, while Lilith was keeping Gargantua busy, MC, Ken and Kogechibi went to Hatsumi's world. The idea was to force Gargantua to use Joe harry's full powers.
         In the book world, Gargantua first send Ham (in his big dragon form) after MC-tachi, then all the Hunters.
         As foreseen by Lilith, he soon can't stand the need for life energy from Joe Harry and had to let her go. Of course, Lilith (who has an infinite life energy, being the Energy creating the Universe after all), takes it back. Gargantua tries to escape from her anger, but can't, as she can journey as she wills in the books.
         In the end, in Arcadia, Lilith catches Gargantua (she played a bit with him, leaving him trying to escape into worlds). She then kills him, and, as doing so, let him remembers... than HE was the one killing Jill.
         But as she wants to take his soul, she find instead... a Hunter Shadow (just like MC). In truth, after killing Jill, the true Gargantua kills himself. But his grief was so great, it possessed the Hunter who came to take his soul...

         Then, Lilith makes everyone going out of the book. Meaning Eve/Hatsumi (who can now talks, as she is completely herself)... and Hazuki. But not MC, who to protect everyone from the Hunters, mixed once again with Joe Harry.
         Hazuki at last apologizes to her sister, then tells everyone MC was still "alive" inside Joe Harry, retaining his whole self (i.e. he's not a part of Joe Harry), knowing so because she once was one with him. And so, they call him back. To reward him, Lilith ask him what he wants. "A body", he answers. Lilith then smiles and...

  2. Ending:

         In her world, Hazuki and Hatsumi are living happily, having forgotten about their weird adventure.
         Somewhere, Lilith and MC/Yami Maya are coming back from the public back together... Suddenly, Selene's face appears in the sky, shouting her mother to go back to work! It appears Lilith was with MC in the word she created in her room, enjoying themselves, while letting all of Yami's work to Selene!

  3. Final words:

         This is Lilith's ending. Tomorrow, I'll do Eve's ending and the "None of them" ending... But it's late now...